You guys give up? Or are you thirsty for more? Come see us at McCallister’s Corner, where we’re bringing back memories from our favorite Christmas comedy - Home Alone! Calling all wet bandits, filthy animals, les incompétents, and little jerks - join us for seasonal spirits and festive foods. Enjoy an atmosphere of nostalgic Christmas décor and makeshift booby traps. Eat junk and watch rubbish on our 20 TV’s!
McCallister's Corner
Where is McCallister’s Corner?
Two Roads Tavern
3105 N Croatan Hwy, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948
Open for Lunch & Dinner
Monday: 11:30AM - 9:00PM
Tuesday: 11:30AM - 9:00PM
Wednesday: CLOSED (Check Events)
Thursday: 11:30AM - 9:00PM
Fri day: 11:30AM - 10:00PM
Saturday: 11:30AM - 10:00PM
Sunday: 11:30AM - 9:00PM
Food Menu
Drink Menu
Local Charity
Outer Banks Hotline
McCallister’s Corner is excited to partner with Outer Banks Hotline for this year’s “Passport Challenge”.
$10 passports are available at each pop-up bar. The passport donations collected at McCallister’s Corner will support Outer Banks Hotine!